Helping partners and spouses heal from sexual betrayal trauma, rebuild their confidence and ability to trust themselves and feel safe again. 


Healing from Sexual Betrayal Trauma 

Has your partner betrayed you with sex addiction, porn addiction, or infidelities? You may be feeling your life has been turned upside down, the life you once knew was filled with deceit and betrayal by the person you love the most. Wondering how to heal from the devastation? You are unable to sleep, eat, focus, connect with others, and care for yourself. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you feel like you’re going crazy, feeling stuck, and don't know which direction to go.

You may easily find yourself stuck in looping thoughts about your relationship.

These negative thoughts may include feeling hopeless, worthless, I should have done something, or what’s wrong with me. You may feel your life has been shattered into a million pieces and you don't know where and how to begin to heal.



If these sound true for you, I want you to know that even though you may feel alone, know that many people in your circumstances need support considering the many challenges you are facing. It can be difficult to know who to trust when disclosing your trauma due to fear of judgment. During distressing times like these it is imperative to take care of yourself. 

Recovery from Betrayal Trauma Can Help You feel safe, secure, and validated.

• Feel more free and safe in your relationship by communicating your partner's emotional, physical, and sexual boundaries.

• Figure out who you are and what direction to go next.

• Improve your relationship with yourself and those you choose to share yourself with.

• Stop letting anxiety and fear affect the way you live.

• Connect with others who have experienced similar traumas.

Recovery from Betrayal Trauma helps you rise above your challenges and start moving towards your ideal life with less anxiety and calmer, less fear and more safety, less suffering and more peace. 

You will feel confident with improved communication skills, self-care, learn to identify and regulate distressing emotions and body sensations. You will feel empowered to take care of your needs, establish healthy boundaries, and discover your inner strength.

Even if you are not sure how a therapist could understand your current struggles with sexual betrayal trauma our workshop, individual and group therapy may be able to help. 

I've helped clients struggling from betrayal trauma feel empowered to begin to heal and believe they are worthy of having a happy life. My clients discover healing is possible in a safe space that allows them to work through their pain that inspires them to make changes to their lives.


How Healing From Betrayal Trauma Therapy Works

Betrayal Trauma Therapy consists of one-on-one sessions that help you work through your concerns. In addition to listening, I will provide hope, guide you towards healing, and inspire growth after trauma. I play an active and collaborative role in your healing journey. Here’s how it will work step-by-step:


First, I provide a safe, accepting space so that you will feel comfortable sharing your struggles with me.


We collaborate to create your goals for treatment.


I will begin to teach your coping skills including mindfulness and meditation to practice regulating intense emotions and body sensations caused by the traumas.


We will start to identify aspects of grief and loss of the relationship you once knew.


We’ll assist you to establish healthy boundaries to keep you safe in your healing process.


Over the course of our sessions, you will start making progress towards the life you desire.

Start feeling safe, validated, and a sense of community. Start your empowered healing journey today! Schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation where you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how we can help.

 Start now building your confidence, learning to trust yourself, and asserting your needs. During your complimentary 20 minute consultation, we will determine if we are a good fit for each other and then discuss the next steps.