• You suffer from PTS(D)

  • You experienced a one time traumatic event that continues to cause emotional distress. (Natural disaster, sexual assault, witnessing a shooting, sudden death of a loved one)

  • Have experienced secondary trauma, indirect trauma one may be exposed to stories or images shared by another person

  • Currently in ongoing individual therapy and getting stuck resolving a traumatic memory


Benefits to using an Intensive Therapy Approach

The session format is designed to accelerate the healing process. Find life changing healing in a matter of days rather than months or years. In the long run, Intensives are cost effective compared to weekly therapy because more work gets completed in a compressed time frame. You don’t need to be on a long waitlist to begin treatment. Overall, an Intensive will allow you to dedicate more time to other things in your life. 

  • The first step is to reach out to schedule a consultation to see if an EMDR Intensive is a good fit for you depending on your therapeutic needs.

  • The Intensive program begins with an extended assessment appointment a few days prior to the Intensive. During this time we will discuss any concerns you might have, identify the negative belief system that has been keeping you stuck, discuss your goals, and then schedule the Intensive program.

  • Next, we will help you teach your meditation, relaxation, and grounding techniques in preparation for the reprocessing.

  • Extended processing sessions will be implemented on Fridays and/or Saturdays from 9-5 to address post traumatic stress symptoms.

  • 90 minute intake assessment is required | $250

    Full day virtual intensive | $1,200 per day (6 hours of therapy per day)

    50% deposit will be required to confirm your appointment dates and times. The remaining balance will be paid after the intensive is completed.

    50 minute follow up appointment will occur one week after the intensive | $200

  • Full day virtual intensive will take 1-2 days after the 90 minute intake assessment

    The session will begin at 9am, take a break around 10:30 for fifteen minutes, resume for an additional 90 minute session, take an hour break for lunch, then resume for an additional 90 minute session, take a fifteen minute break and then conclude with the final 90 minute session.

    The intensive will conclude with a follow up 50 minute session a week later.

  • We recommend you engage in relaxing substance free activities before, during, and after the intensive such as yoga, exercise, meditation, acupuncture, play with your pets, read etc.

    You will be taught additional grounding and meditative skills to help you throughout your intensive.

Let’s Get Started Today

Start now building your confidence, learning to trust yourself, and healing from the past. During your complimentary 20 minute consultation we will determine if we are a good fit for each other and then discuss the next steps.

Start feeling safe, validated, and hopeful for a bright future ahead. Start your empowered healing journey today! Schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation where you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how we can help.

Reach out today I’m here guide you on your empowered healing journey.