Hi, I'm Dr. Alicia Tolerico. I'm a Licensed Psychologist (PSY32370) who works with women who have experienced betrayal trauma by their partner, complex traumas, and difficulty with daily functioning. My goal is to help you stop numbing out, feel less anxious, depressed, and lonely. And start experiencing growth, empowered healing, living your authentic life, and embodying self-love and self-acceptance.



I’m no different from the clients I see. Like everyone else, I'm human. I've been through both wonderful and difficult experiences that have shaped who I am and how I help my clients. 

As an adolescent, I struggled with depression, lack of self-worth, and confidence. At that time I saw a school counselor who was compassionate, safe, and supportive. I also experienced adverse experiences as an adult that were hard. It was a challenging time and I couldn’t have gotten through it without my support system. Trusting the healing process was imperative. I greatly value the power of therapy. I discovered healing through learning to trust myself and others again, feel safe, and set necessary boundaries.



My life experiences are what lead me to become the therapist I am today. Helping people is my calling. I enjoy empowering my clients to heal and live the life they desire.

Being a Therapist is an honor and a privilege to be entrusted with a person's delicate life experiences. I love walking with my clients through their healing journey and witnessing their growth. The most rewarding thing about being a Therapist is assisting clients to develop an inner strength that allows them to be seen and heard.

I am committed to walking with you on your healing journey. My goal is to foster empowerment, growth, healing, authenticity, self-love, and self-acceptance. I Have Compassion For People And Bring authenticity, collaboration, enthusiasm, and gratitude to each session. 


• Provide a safe therapeutic environment.
• Collaborate with clients to achieve their treatment goals.
• Provide hope and strength.
• Instill self-love, self-compassion, and self-acceptance.

People who know me often say that I am a thoughtful and compassionate person who can help people feel heard, seen, and begin to heal.

Sessions will provide you with the space to process thoughts and feelings, know you’re not alone, and feel safe. In feeling safe and comfortable, you'll be able to begin to improve relationships, connect to yourself, and build a supportive community. 

It's important to me to create safety within sessions and ensure that the process is collaborative. There isn't a "one size fits all" approach to therapy. Our sessions will fit your specific needs and concerns.


As A Therapist, I Embrace The Following Philosophies:

• Everyone has the right to feel safe.
• Collaboration is essential to the healing process.
• You deserve to be happy.
• Self-care is the most selfless thing you can do.
• Healing is possible.
• You can turn your pain into power.
You are stronger than you think.


I practice what I preach, without my self-care routine I would be off-balance. Riding my Peloton bike and weight lifting are core outlets for recharging after long days. My spouse is in the military and I have profound gratitude for all military personnel and their loved ones. I enjoy spending time with my fur babes (two dogs). My favorite activities are snowboarding, hiking, spending time with my loved ones, and getting lost in a thriller novel. 

Let’s discover how I can help

Start feeling safe, validated, and a sense of community. Start your empowered healing journey today! Schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation where you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how we can help. I'm here to walk with you on your empowered healing journey.